My favourite fitness Instagrammers Floralesque

Back in October I featured my favourite Snapchatters and today it is time to feature my top Fitness Instagram accounts. Due to the time of year it is I thought that it might be a good idea to show those who inspire me to get healthier on Instagram on a daily basis. My own username is @Floralesque.

Instagram is one of my favourite social media platforms as it is so visual and you can search to find inspiration from fitness all the way through to how to knit a jumper! It is slightly less realistic than Snapchat (My Username is Floralesque) as everything is hidden behind a filter but it is still just so easy to use and some of the images captured are beautiful. Now you will notice below that some of my favourite Snapchatters repeat down below as my favourite Instagrammers! That is because in general if you follow them on one social media platform you may also follow them on another, but don’t worry most are not repeats.

My favourite fitness Instagrammers Floralesque

First up is Carly Rowena– she is hands down my favourite fitness Instagrammer. One of the reasons is her true to life personality – she is clearly SUPER healthy but also shows that she drinks and has a good time as well. Unusually she also talks about when things don’t go right and shares when they go wrong – I love this as some people only show the perfect side of life and this just bores me after a while. She shares great tips and tricks and her abs are amazing. She also replies to her followers – sometimes when someone gets as successful as she is they lose focus on the people who follow them – but not Carly, you can see her replying on all platforms and to emails. She is also dating Leon from The Mean Machines and her Vlogmas videos with Leon and their French Bulldog Steven were just hilarious and you should check them out if you haven’t already. Certainly one to check out if you are looking for motivation.

My favourite fitness Instagrammers Floralesque

Ursula Walsh is the brains behind Mom Fitness Diary. Her Instagram is just full of great food and is so motivating! There are tips and recipes on the posts and I love the detail that she goes into. She doesn’t just write a quick comment on her images – she actually takes the time to write out a thoughtful, helpful post and I find this endearing to be honest. She cares that you know how to do what she does. Oh and did I mention that she has managed to drop over 4 stone through healthy eating and exercise – if that isn’t motivating then I don’t know what is.

My favourite fitness Instagrammers Floralesque

Next up is Aisling Harris. Aisling is the face behind the Superfit Foodie and is also a Galway based blogger. Her feed is full of DELICIOUS meals and tips and her smoothies look yum! I think one of the reasons that I like her Instagram so much is that it is varied – it is clearly fitness focused but also has inspirational quotes and some of her day to day life.

Three more Instagram Accounts that I love are Progress not Perfection, Lisa Collins and Rosemary MacCabe – there are so many more that I could mention but these are certainly some of my favourites.

My favourite Instagrammers

Taylor Staus is behind the Instagram Progress not Perfection and the reason that I enjoy her Instagram so much is because her images are yes fitness related but also interesting. She generally does collage style images and it means that there is more to look at (if that even makes sense!) and I just find her whole account very inspiring and it’s one that I check on daily if it doesn’t appear in my feed.

Lisa Collins has one of the most delicious Instagram accounts around! So this may not be fitness related but as we all know – food is just as important as exercise if you want to get healthy. Her food pictures especially more recently are both rich in colour and look yummy. She is certainly one to check out if you are wondering what to cook next. Her Instagram account is also full of personal images which help keep you entertained and I’ll be honest I can’t help but feel hungry each time I check out her account!!

Last but by no means least is Rosemary MacCabe. I always followed for her witty comments and hilarious Instagram (and Snapchat!), but she went on a fitness journey that started 11 weeks ago, has lost 2 stone and since then she has become someone I am inspired by. She is frank, honest and funny – what more could you want. If you are looking for someone normal who you will find inspiring then go check her out – oh and did I mention that she is also the deputy editor of Steller magazine (one of my favourite monthly reads) – well now sure that doesn’t hurt at all 🙂

I also follow other accounts such as Nike London, Nike Running, Adidas Women, Kayla Itsines etc. – they can give you great inspiration from time to time but I do love the more normal girl accounts. They seem more accessible and that their results are more achievable. Be warned you may end up buying some of the pieces from Nike and Adidas like I do!! 🙂

My favourite fitness Instagrammers Floralesque
Okay I couldn’t help it…. This is Carly’s pup Steven the Frenchy.. ADORABLE is the only word that comes to mind – you have to check him out 🙂

All images are from the ladies’s Instagram.



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